Gods and Monsterss
A film by
Risha Gorig
"A dark and powerful tale of the passing existence. The fallen angels watching from another world beyond, but can't do anything about the human suffering and brutality. Their presence and touch are not felt."
“Gods and Monsters is an immediate cult classic, poetic and visually stunning. Angels from above come to watch and observe humans to decide their fate, hoping to end their destructive ways. An apocalyptical reflection of the state of humanity at its breaking point. A true arthouse film.”
“Gods and Monsterss by Risha Gorig is a sci-fi, fantasy thriller that is sure to be an instant cult classic, in the same vein as other cult classics such as Erasorhead and Repoman.
Gods and Monsterss is a riveting film that keeps you on the edge of your seat and engaged from start to finish, and with multiple story lines, it makes you think about the characters, the plot twists, and the what ifs, long after you finished seeing it. It’s a film that must be experienced more than once to satisfy the viewers curiosities, and connect the intertwining dots, as one reflects back to the creator, director and artist, Risha Gorig’s thought process, and faith for the characters, and ultimately the world, as the stories get laid out before you.
The central plot and theme of Gods and Monsterss revolves around how everyone’s individual, every day, decisions can significantly change not only one’s own future and circumstances, but combined as humanity, can significantly change the ultimate outcome of the world. As the movie follows multiple characters through days, and years of their lives, it plays as microcosms of the world, and the begs the question of “What if?” there are higher beings and powers influencing our decisions, and whether it is for good, or evil, and are they, good or evil, and how will it ultimately affect the fate of the world.
Gods and Monsterss is a must see and more than once, as Risha Gorig clearly created what is sure to be a timeless cult classic. “
Joe Buscotti, Magazine London 2022
Behind the scenes........
My crazy unorthodox way of making a movie. Enjoy the ride and check out the whole movie when it’s streaming online! I’ll post updates. 🙂